Theta & Healing Arts
About Ronelle
Ronelle started her journey in personal growth over 35 years ago. This has led her to numerous retreats/ seminars/ certification courses and workshops, dedicated to energy healing, wellness and self-improvement with great mentors such as Jim Rohn, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhard Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay amongst so many others.
Throughout her studies, Ronelle has found ThetaHealing® to be the most powerful modality of transformation. Her passion is to watch others transform and to aid in the process of their growth and shifts. Her perspective is that everyone has within them infinite potential as a Divine being, co-creating their own reality. Her mission is to empower you to become your own healer, to release old limitations and blocks so you may step into the truth of who you are and make your dreams come true.
Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, Ronelle began her journey when she married her Swiss husband and gave birth to their two children (born respectively in Jordan and Kuwait) which provided her with the unique opportunity to learn about life through living abroad and encountering different cultures, creeds and walks of life. These experiences opened her mind and inspired her to start her own quest for self-discovery.
During the late 1980s, Ronelle had a life-changing exchange with a wise astrologer who was able to identify ‘dysfunctional’ family dynamics in her youth. This event only further prompted Ronelle’s journey towards discovering her own individual truth.
Ronelle uses the wealth of information she gained from others to help those in need. In 1998, Ronelle founded The Life Projects Foundation in the Philippines which combined her acquired knowledge and interest in nutrition with her desire to help lesser privileged and malnourished children. Ronelle contributed to the steady progression of health amongst rather sickly and hungry children and impacted the health and lives of many others. In 2012, Ronelle walked from Bangkok to Burma to raise awareness and funds, to help eradicate human trafficking of men, women and children.
Currently based in Bangkok, Ronelle holds the highest certification of ThetaHealing® - the Certificate of Science from the ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge (THInK). She is happily teaching certification courses, conducting online challenges, leading healing workshops and providing private ThetaHealing® consultations/healings. Ronelle’s journey of personal growth and self-discovery has allowed her to become a healer who addresses people with patience and understanding.
As a certified ThetaHealing® Master and ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science graduate, Ronelle is guiding women and men to experience true emotional, physical, mental and spiritual freedom and awakening.
Education and Certifications
- ThetaHealing® Master
- Certificate of Science from the ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge (THInK)
- Basic DNA Practitioner
-Basic DNA Instructors
- Advanced DNA
- Advanced DNA Instructors
- Building Intuition Instructors
- DNA 3 Practitioner
- DNA 3 Instructors
- Dig Deeper Practitioner
- Dig Deeper Instructors
Education and Certifications
- Disease and Disorder Practitioner
- Disease and Disorder Instructors
- Family Ties Seminar Practitioner
- Family Ties Seminar Instructors
- Game of Life Practitioner
- Game of Life Instructors
- Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner
- Intuitive Anatomy Instructors
- Manifesting and Abundance Practitioner
- Manifesting and Abundance Instructors
- Planes of Existence Practitioner
- Planes of Existence Instructors
- RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Practitioner
- RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight Instructors
- Soul Mate Practitioner
- Soul Mate Instructors
- ThetaHealing Intro
- Create Your Own Reality Instructors
- ThetaHealing Intro + Create Your Own Reality Instructors Online
- World Relations Practitioner
- World Relations Instructors
- You and Your Inner Circle Practitioner
- You and Your Inner Circle Instructors
- You and Your Significant Other Practitioner
- You and the Creator Practitioner
- You and the Creator Instructors
Private Sessions
Transform your health, wealth, relationships, and success by understanding why you think what you think.